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2018 to 2025

Adjunct Professor/ Sessional Lecturer /Teacher assistant for EDUC 440: Indigenous Education in Canada at UBC, Faculty of Education, Teacher Education Office


Teacher assistant for ILS 105:  Indigenous Ways of Knowing for the Bachelor of Indigenous Land Stewardship, UBC, Faculty of Forestry

2024 - 2025

  Teacher assistant for EDCP 340 104 & 110: Mathematics Curriculum and Pedagogy, UBC, Faculty of Education. Teacher Education Office


Teaching assistant for EDCP 467A: Special Course in Curriculum and Pedagogy- Refugee Education, at UBC, Faculty of Education, Teacher Education Office


Teacher assistant for SCIE 113 13A & 15: First-Year Seminar in Science, UBC, Faculty of Science

2019 - 2022

Teacher assistant/Sessional Lecturer for EPSE 310: Assessment and learning in the classroom at UBC, Faculty of Education, Teacher Education Office


Teacher assistant for EPS 311: Cultivating supportive school and classroom environment, at UBC, Faculty of Education, Teacher Education Office


Teacher educator at Diploma-course on “Teaching-Learning for higher education cooperative University, finding your philosophical path”, with UNICOOP, in Quintana Roo, Mexico


Teaching curriculum developers how to develop higher education programs and curricula for the first Cooperative University in Mexico, that includes every interested student, and that attends the particular needs of the region, with UNICOOP

2013 - 2016

Teacher educator at Diploma-course on “the river that unite us all”, with Centinelas del Agua, A.C. and the Ministry of Education (SEyCQRoo), in Quintana Roo, Mexico


Teacher educator at the Diploma “Community and School”, with UIA, and State Ministry of Education (SEYC), in Yucatan, Mexico


Course “Access to information course,” for Civil Organizations, with Citizens towards Anticorruption


Continuos Education-Diploma “Diabetes educators”: teacher of modules 5 & 6, with UIA, Mexico city


Teaching course on “Sustainable Education” for an NGO Raíz Cristal A.C., in Mexico city, Mexico


Teacher educator of Evaluation and Education based on Competencies, for all professors (Faculty, Coordinators and Sessional lecturers) of Center of Design, Cinema and Television, in Mexico City, Mexico


Teacher educator of Public Schools and Faculty of Science of University of Tolima, with the ASI Accessible Science Initiative of Graduate Students at UBC, in Tolima Region, Colombia


Teacher educator of Mexican Educational System in the Intercultural Education Program at ISIA: Intercultural Ayuuk Superior Institute, Jaltepec Oaxaca, Mexico


Teacher assistant at UBC, EDCP, Art Education with Dr. Kit Grauer


Teacher and founder of “Basic Ayuuk Language” for teachers that attend or collaborate at ISIA: Intercultural Ayuuk Superior Institute, Jaltepec Oaxaca, Mexico

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